Cuba: Bioelectric plants prioritised in the sugar sector as part of transition to renewable energy
“Bioelectric Plants, Leading Program of the Cuban Sugar Sector”, 4th July 2019
…Currently, three bioelectric power plants, of a total of 17 are a priority to be built until 2030, represent the leading program in the Cuban sugar sector…All of them are part of a 19-unit plan approved in 2014, director of Power Generation of the Azcuba Sugar Group…told Prensa Latina after a world forum held in Havana. According to Hernández, the three bioelectric plants under construction are located close to the Jesús Rabí, Ciro Redondo and Héctor Rodríguez sugar mills, in the provinces of Matanzas, Ciego de Ávila and Villa Clara, respectively, in the western and central zones…With respect to the Ciro Redondo, which rises at a cost of 187 million dollars, when it is finished it will be able to generate 62 MW. The physical construction progress is at 52 percent, and its completion is estimated in the coming 2019/2020 harvest. Likewise, the one corresponding to Héctor Rodríguez has a forward similar to the previous one and will also be delivering electricity in that sugar campaign. With this program, the sector will add 14 percent of the 24 renewable energy stipulated for 2030 in the national energy matrix, which includes other clean sources such as photovoltaic and wind, among the main ones.