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الاعتداء على المدافعين عن حقوق الإنسان

19 سبتمبر 2017

Flávio Gabriel Pacífico dos Santos

تاريخ الحادثة
19 سبتمبر 2017
دقة التاريخ
جميعها صحيحة
أحد قادة أو أفراد مجتمع محلي متضرر
ضحية الاعتداء: فرد
موقع الحادثة: البرازيل


Flávio Gabriel Pacífico dos Santos is a member of the quilombola Pitanga dos Palmares community. On 19 September he was allegedly shot and killed while inside his vehicle, after having dropped his son off at school. Flávio Gabriel Pacífico dos Santos was a leader in the quilombola community, who had previously posted photos of a trip to Brasilia to protest against legislation which interferes with quilombola communities owning land. In recent years, conflicts between farmers/ community members and land owners have escalated and resulted in killings.