Honduras: President announces repeal of the ZEDE Law and classifies it as a violation of national sovereignty

Cuenta de Twitter @XiomaraCastroZ
"Honduran Congress unanimously nixes special economic zones", 21 April 2022
...Honduras' Congress unanimously repealed a law overnight which allowed for the creation of special economic zones exempt from some national laws and taxes throughout the country, known as Zones for Employment and Economic Development (ZEDEs)...
The chamber also passed a constitutional reform, which must be ratified next year, abolishing existing ZEDEs.
"Those ZEDEs were supported by a legal system that was invalid from the start, unconstitutional, and what we have done is return to Honduras its sovereignty and value to the constitution," said Congressional President Luis Redondo on the country's congressional news channel.
The legislation gave the special economic zones administrative, fiscal, monetary and budgetary autonomy, as well as independent judicial bodies.
"Thank you! (Congressional) President Luis Redondo, Fernando Garcia, and congress members; for repealing the criminal #ZEDE and defeating those who tried to steal our sovereignty. This fulfilled promise is another step towards the Refoundation," said Castro in a message on her Twitter account.
Reuters attempted to contact two companies that operate ZEDEs in Honduras but they were not immediately available for comment...