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6 يوليو 2018

Japan / UAE / Yemen: NGO urges Kawasaki not to sell military transport aircraft to UAE, company did not respond

Network Against Japan Arms Trade (NAJAT), a Japanese NGO, has expressed concern regarding reports that Japanese military transport aircraft may be sold to the United Arabs Emirates (UAE). NAJAT notes that the UAE is engaging in armed intervention in the war in Yemen, and that there are copious amounts of reports of grave breaches of humanitarian law by the UAE and other intervening countries. These grave breaches include targeting noncombatants and civilian infrastructure (including health infrastructure), the intentional starvation of the civilian population, attacking international humanitarian organisations, and the torture of detainees. 

 Kawasaki Heavy Industries, the manufacturer of the transport aircraft, did not respond to the BHRRC regarding the allegations.

ردود الشركة

Kawasaki Heavy Industries

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