Kuwait: Restaurant workers protest three months of unpaid salaries during COVID-19 lock down
Date Reported: 9 يوليو 2020
الموقع: الكويت
Not Reported ( خدمات توريد الأغذية الجاهزة ) - Employerالفئة المتأثرة
Total individuals affected: 200
عمال مهاجرون: ( 200 - Location unknown , خدمات توريد الأغذية الجاهزة , Gender not reported )القضايا
الحرمان من حرية التعبير , Wage Theftالرد
Response sought: لا
الإجراءات المتخذة: Security was called and police "persuaded" workers to stay in their homes. Police promised workers they would resolve the issue, and inform the Ministry of Social Affairs as well as the restaurant authorities.
نوع المصدر: News outlet
"Unpaid salaries for 3 months forces restaurant workers to protest," 7 Jul 2020
Around 150-200 workers of a restaurant chain gathered in Salmiya, immediately security patrols were called and it was found that the workers had not received salaries for last 3 months as restaurants had stopped operating during lock down period where the company administration had not paid salaries.
The workers said that they had [not] enough money for living, the policement of the Salmiya Police Station managed to persuade workers to stay in their homes with a promise to solve their financial problems with the company and they also informed Ministry of Social Affairs, as well as the authorities of the restaurant where the expatriates work. A case of notification was recorded.