Mexico: Workers - mostly women - protest sexual abuses, pay below living wage in Ciudad Juarez “maquilas”
“Voices form the Juarez workers´ movement”, 4 Apr 2016
Ciudad Juárez, just across the Rio Grande from El Paso, Texas, is the center of a growing rebellion of laborers in the border factories. Since September, workers have set up encampments, or plantones, in front of factories, they've marched through the streets, they've demanded recognition of independent unions. In response, the companies have fired hundreds and tried to stop the workers' movement from spreading...The new workers' movement in Juárez began last August at four maquiladoras: Foxconn, ADC Commscope, Lexmark, and Eaton Corporation…This new wave of worker protests, therefore, is breaking the cycle of fear and terror that has gripped working-class neighborhoods for over a decade…We're telling the companies what they should be paying. These are huge corporations that make millions of dollars. What's their justification for paying such miserable wages?...