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14 أكتوبر 2022

Myanmar Labour News

Myanmar: Garment workers report multiple rights violations incl. unfair dismissals, denial of leave & forced overtime

إظهار جميع الإشارات الادعاءات

"They claim that they are being illegally fired from their jobs while earning only 3,600 kyats a day", 14 October 2022

Workers at the THA SHU MRANMAR APPAREL CO,LTD factory in Hlaing Tharyar Township Industrial Zone (2) Say San Road are receiving only 3,600 kyats per day, and the workers are being fired without any reason, according to the factory workers.

It is reported that the factory...[employs] more than three hundred workers, and there are violations of labor rights against the factory workers.

There are many workers who have been working in the factory for 3 months and [received] 3,600 kyats as a bonus. In addition, on September 17, more than 10 workers with 6 months of experience were fired without prior notice and without any compensation.

The employer does not provide casual leave that workers are entitled to in the factory. If you miss a day without permission, you will be deducted 14,800 kyats of day fee + day fee. It is reported that super[visors] only allow workers who are comfortable with them and do not allow workers who do not like them....

In addition, when asking the workers [to meet targets], the workers [ask] for [targets] that the workers could not meet, and if the record is not met, [workers must do] overtime...for free on Mondays....The workers said they wanted to demand the reinstatement of the laid-off workers.

[Translation via Google Translate]