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المذكرة الجوابية من المنظمة

29 يوليو 2019

The American Bar Association (ABA) Center for Human Rights

Rejoinder by American Bar Association (ABA) Center for Human Rights to Gener 2

The American Bar Association (ABA) Center for Human Rights welcomes Gener 2’s engagement with its report, “Communities under Pressure – Findings from Valbona, Albania” and its written commitment to respect human rights, to consult with impacted communities, and to remedy any harm caused by its activities in the region...Gener 2 asserted that they are in continuous consultations with the communities,...have a grievance mechanism..., and have addressed all of the complaints... The Center notes that at the time of its report, and up until this response, there has been no information about such a mechanism on Gener 2’s website. Nor were any interviewees aware ... [of] such a mechanism... The Center urges Gener 2 to ensure that their grievance mechanism is...public and accessible to impacted communities [and for the] company to disclose:  1. The details of the process: how are communications received, who reviews complaints and decides on a course of action, whether members of the community are involved...at any stage, and what, if any, appeal process is available; 2. The number of complaints received to date and the percentage of those...resolved or generated a company response...Center urges Gener 2 to disclose the results of its consultation process, including how many members of impacted communities participated and in what way, the response and input they received..., and how the company resolved any issues raised...

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