Company index page
Xinwen Mining
Xinxiang Zhongke Mining Equipment Company
Xinya Steel Plant
Xinyi Glass Holdings Limited
Xishan Jinxing Energy Limited Liability Company
Xiwang Foodstuffs Co., Ltd.
XL Catlin Services SE
XL Re Europe SE
XMA Limited
Outlogic (part of Digital Envoy)
Xodus Group Ltd
Xoserve Ltd
XP Investimentos Corretora de Câmbio, Títulos e Valores Mobiliários S.A.
XPO Logistics
XPO Supply Chain UK Limited
XP Power
X-Press Container Line (UK) Limited
XPS Pensions Group Plc
Xstrata (now part of Glencore)
Xstrata Tintaya
XTO Energy (part of ExxonMobil)
Xtrac Limited
Xtract Resources