Human rights defenders policy الإجراءات
Information in this section obtained through company survey responses, public statements and/or policies. Implementation of actions not verified by suppliers, workers, HRDs or affected communities.
نظام تعقب Human rights defenders policy
Mention of HRDs or non-retaliation against third party stakeholders
"Protecting the rights of these civil society organisations, trade unions and journalists – and human rights defenders overall – to operate freely is important in itself..."
DocumentSigned collective statement in support of HRDs
"We recognise that defenders are important partners in identifying problems in our business activities, encouragin due diligence and in the provision of remedy when harm occurs."
Documentقصص صادرة بشأنها طلبات رد ذات صلة ? We sought responses from ABN Amro to the allegations raised in these stories. Find out more about our Company Response Mechanism.
أهم البلدان ذات الصلة
ABN Amro has been referenced in news articles and reports on our website.
عدد مرات الإشارة إلى الشركة (بالمقالات والتقارير والأخبار، الخ)
مقر الشركة
عدد مرات الإشارة إلى الشركة (بالمقالات والتقارير والأخبار، الخ) في المناطق المتنازع عليها
مقر الشركة في المناطق المتنازع عليها