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هذه الصفحة غير متوفرة باللغة العربية وهي معروضة باللغة English

هذه الشركة موجودة في نظام تعقب واحد أو أكثر

Equinor (formerly Statoil)

من مرصد الأعمال وحقوق الإنسان ? This section is a non-exhaustive snapshot of company behaviour recorded by the Resource Centre. We record allegations of abuse, seek company responses, profile lawsuits, and record attacks against Defenders working on business issues.

لا ينطبق

الاعتداءات على المدافعين عن حقوق الإنسان

لا ينطبق



Human Rights Policy ? Company policy describing its approach and commitment to human rights

EITI Supporter ? Whether the company is a supporter of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative

VPI Member ? Established in 2000, the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights are a set of principles designed to guide companies in maintaining the safety and security of their operations within an operating framework that ensures respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.

Human rights defenders policy الإجراءات ?

Information in this section obtained through company survey responses, public statements and/or policies. Implementation of actions not verified by suppliers, workers, HRDs or affected communities.

نظام تعقب Human rights defenders policy

Mention of HRDs or non-retaliation against third party stakeholders

Equinor will not tolerate any form of recrimination or retaliation to those who raise a concern with us. We recognise the right to advocate for and to defend human rights..."


قصص صادرة بشأنها طلبات رد ذات صلة ? We sought responses from Equinor (formerly Statoil) to the allegations raised in these stories. Find out more about our Company Response Mechanism.

تصنيفات المعايير

CHRB 2018
? The 2018 Corporate Human Rights Benchmark assessed 100 of the largest publicly traded companies in the world on a set of human rights indicators.
34,8 / 100
CHRB 2019
? The 2019 Corporate Human Rights Benchmark assesses 200 of the largest publicly traded companies in the world on a set of human rights indicators.
41,3 / 100

أهم البلدان ذات الصلة

Equinor (formerly Statoil) has been referenced in news articles and reports on our website.

عدد مرات الإشارة إلى الشركة (بالمقالات والتقارير والأخبار، الخ)

مقر الشركة

عدد مرات الإشارة إلى الشركة (بالمقالات والتقارير والأخبار، الخ) في المناطق المتنازع عليها

مقر الشركة في المناطق المتنازع عليها