تشريعات العبودية المعاصرة الإجراءات
Information in this section obtained through company survey responses, public statements and/or policies. Implementation of actions not verified by suppliers, workers, HRDs or affected communities.
نظام تعقب تشريعات العبودية المعاصرة
Wilkinson Hardware Stores Limited Modern Slavery Legislation Document
Wilkinson Hardware Stores Limited Modern Slavery Legislation Document
المصدر: https://corporate.wilko.com/_pdfs/Wilko_Modern_Slavery_Statement%202019.pdfCompliance with the requirements as set forth in Sec.54(6) and (7) of the UK Modern Slavery Act was assessed at the time this statement was collected by the Resource Centre.
اللقطة المصورة المأخوذة: مايو 6, 2020, منتصف الليلعرض المستند بالكامل