Japan: Brokers allegedly taking advantage of Vietnamese technical intern trainees by placing them in illegal jobs
"技能実習生、闇バイトで事件加担相次ぐ 背景に多額借金 ブローカー暗躍か," 7 January 2025
[Unofficial description by Business & Human Rights Resource Centre]
There have been a series of incidents in Hokkaido where Vietnamese technical intern trainees who have disappeared from their workplaces due to low wages and excessive work have ended up taking part in illegal part-time jobs such as poaching salmon in Hokkaido. In many cases, the trainees come to Japan with large amounts of debt due to recruitment fees and other expenses, and brokers are thought to be operating behind the scenes to take advantage of their financial difficulties.
Vietnamese people often use social media to look for work, and it has been reported that their disappearances could be a gateway to illegal part-time work.