'A challenging market becomes more challenging: Jordanian workers, migrant workers & refugees in the Jordanian labour market'
Financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), the ILO has conducted a study which aims to provide practical solutions to three potentially conflicting policy aims in Jordan’s labour market: boosting Jordanian employment, ensuring decent working conditions for all including migrant workers, and incorporating Syrian refugees into the workforce... The report examines five specific sectors: agriculture, construction, domestic work, manufacturing and tourism. Its findings and recommendations are based on thorough literature review and comprehensive primary data gathering among nearly 1,000 informants, including employers, Jordanian and foreign workers, government officials and other key actors. [The report recommends, among other things, to] enable Jordanians to compete for work by ensuring a clear and harmonised set of working conditions for all jobs; [to] develop programmes aimed at increasing employment of Jordanians; [and, to] consider modifications of the regulations governing migration and work permits.