الاعتداء على المدافعين عن حقوق الإنسان
Africa Institute for Energy Governance (AFIEGO)
Africa Institute for Energy Governance (AFIEGO) is a public policy research and advocacy NGO dedicated to influencing energy policies to benefit the poor and vulnerable. They run three programs: on electricity democracy, extractives governance and renewable energy efficiency. Because of their work, they have allegedly been singled out by government and district officials for allegedly inciting the project affected persons. This is happening in the context of the the Albertine Region where the oil and extractives sector is taking shape. Uganda Human Rights Defenders network reported that HRDs in those communities are facing challenges restricting their freedoms to assemble, associate, and express themselves. As HRDs-focused organizations move to sensitize people on land compensation, state agents continue to be inquisitive on who is building capacity of the locals.