Latin America: Investors in the agricultural sector accused for contributing to human rights violations; incl. company responses
A new report by GRAIN illustrates that financial flows to agriculture are becoming increasingly institutional and more and more private. Investment in agriculture has been present since time immemorial. People in agriculture invest daily, when they improve the soil, establish cooperatives, share their knowledge with their children and set up local markets.
The report highlights human rights violations, including violations of environmental rights, in which investors play a role.
The Business and Human Rights Information Centre contacted the companies featured in the report with allegations of bad practices and links to human rights violations; COEXCA, Omnivore, International Finance Corporation, Patria Investments and Blackstone´s responses are available below. NCH Capital, TIAA, Amerra Capital, Transmar, COFCO Meat, Japfa, Moder Dairy, JB Equity Ltd., TLG Management Partners, BNDES, Temasek, Sembrador Capital de Riesgo SA, Victus Chile and Exportadora Subsole SA did not respond.