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19 يناير 2024

Bangladesh Post

Bangladesh: Garment workers protest demanding raise in wages

Garment workers' unions take part in a protest in front of the Minimum Wage Board office demanding rising ahead of a new minimum wage in Dhaka, Bangladesh, on November 7, 2023.

"RMG workers bring out procession in Gazipur for pay hike", 19 January 2024

Workers claimed that they are demanding the implementation of the salary structure announced by the government. The government has set a minimum salary of 12,500 taka, but the garment owner is paying the previous salary violating the government’s directive...

Alal Sarker, a worker of Jamuna Spinning Division said, Tk7000 is not enough to support a family. The owner told us that they will not follow the instructions of the government...

الجدول الزمني