Any process of enriching individuals or companies connected to the infamous criminal syndicate that is Zanu (PF) will be nullified once the MDC is in power, MDC-T minister of agriculture designate, Roy Bennett...[said] in Cape Town yesterday... Bennett singled out Old Mutual, Anglo Platinum [part of Anglo American] and Impala – saying they must “come to terms with their unacceptable complicity in Mugabe’s blackmail”...“They must incorporate genuinely broad-based community equity participation.” "...[Anglo Platinum] Shareholders need to demand from management that...[the companies' mining] rights...not [be] surrendered for the benefit of a blood-thirsty coterie of gangsters. Please don’t legitimise extortion at the expense of the people...,” said Bennett. Referring to the “sad and seedy role of Old Mutual in the illicit diamond mining” in the Marange diamond fields, Bennett said: “These fields are controlled by the military junta and were attained over the dead bodies of hundreds of impoverished Zimbabweans...” [also refers to Zimpapers]