Brazil: Covid CPI receives complaint regarding deal between Prevent Senior and the federal government to carry out experimental treatments on patients without their consent
"Covid CPI: Prevent Senior and federal government would agree to test and disseminate Covid kit", 28 August 2021
...Covid's Parliamentary Inquiry Commission (CPI) received a formal complaint from a representative of doctors and former doctors of Prevent Senior that the health care provider and the federal government made an agreement, at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, to test and disseminate the drugs in the so-called Covid kit, such as chloroquine, ivermectin and azithromycin.
...[T]he document says that there was a “policy of coercion” on the part of Prevent Senior in terms of guidelines for medical professionals, “to adopt those guidelines of the so-called early treatment”...
One of the most serious accusations in the complaint is that Prevent would have carried out a series of experimental treatments on its patients, often without their consent. The text says that patients were used as "human guinea pigs"...
...[T]he doctors claim that they were coerced by the company to systematically prescribe “early treatment” medications. Among the recommended non-conventional drugs without confirmed efficacy against Covid-19 are ozone therapy, flutamide, and inhaled heparin...
Another serious complaint that makes up the document is that doctors who worked on the front lines of Covid-19 would have to do shifts at Prevent Senior hospitals even infected with the new coronavirus. The complaint also reports that they were prohibited from using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
The non-use of masks, according to the document filed by the complainants, had the objective of spreading the virus in the hospital environment, so that a research could be carried out that included the use of chloroquine, azithromycin, ivermectin with the patients.
Added to this, doctors say they went through a routine of constant pressure and harassment to prescribe medications that they know do not work and that can aggravate the condition of patients.
According to the document, this protocol began on April 6, 2020...