Bread for All rejoinder
...You state that Vitol is a „very small participant in the global coal industry” and that “it is incorrect to suggest that Vitol is “a key player in the value chain of coal.” At the same time, you state on your website that you are one of the top five coal traders worldwide.1) In your letter, you state that Vitol “trades 0.5% of all the coal consumed globally each year.” This figure is low because you refer to the total coal consumed and not to the coal traded (according to the World Coal Association, “overall international trade in coal reached 1142 Mt in 2011; it still only accounts for about 16% of total coal consumed.”2) Our calculation is that Vitol trades approximately 2.6% of internationally traded coal...Vitol states that the “report is full of false information and incorrect assumptions and the conclusions which are drawn are consequently wrong.” The main conclusions of the report are the following: - “From publicly available documents and information, it appears that Vitol’s human rights approach at Group level is weak.” - “Given, however, that Vitol has a high turnover, works with numerous suppliers and trades high-risk commodities, such as coal and oil, we believe Vitol should put in place a comprehensive human rights approach.” ...