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13 مايو 2015

Climate Action Network

Call for civil society mobilisation for a just transition away from fossil fuels (May-June)

"Call for action: May and June Global climate mobilisation", 21 Apr 2015

This May and June, youth, faith leaders, and members of labour, development and justice organisations from across the world will call for the just transformation away from fossil fuels to be scaled up so that it can address our biggest problems - climate change, social inequality, unemployment and poverty. We will stand side by side to ensure governments know that the people are demanding and driving action - we are building citizen-owned, locally based solutions, and strengthening a movement that will keep growing until we achieve a complete, just transition from fossil fuels to 100% renewable energy in citizens hands. [Note: The Climate Action Network (CAN) is a worldwide network of over 900 NGOs in over 100 countries working to promote government and individual action to limit human-induced climate change to ecologically sustainable levels, according to its website.]

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