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30 مايو 2024

Seoung Nimol, CamboJA

Cambodia: Govt. announce that Funan Techo canal construction to start in August; potential affected residents lack information about compensations

"Funan Techo Canal Construction Begins in August, Canal Residents Clueless on Compensation", 30 May 2024

Prime Minister Hun Manet made it clear … that the Funan Techo Canal is scheduled for construction in August 2024. Residents living along the canal project have yet to be informed about compensation packages.

…, Hun Manet said the canal construction should not be delayed anymore…

“We will start construction in August,” he said. “This project is nationalistic and most Cambodians will participate in the construction, thus it’s very encouraging.”

He added that Cambodia has been in talks with Chinese investment companies regarding the technical aspects and for the companies to invest some money to build the canal, but most of the investment will come from Cambodia.

There were concerns raised by the Vietnamese regarding the impact of biodiversity as well as news reports that the project will serve the Chinese military but Hun Manet said it would not cater to Vietnamese or Chinese interests…

The $1.7 billion, which will be funded by China, stretches 180 kilometers from Phnom Penh to Kep province. It will run through Kandal, Takeo, Kampot and Kep provinces…

Sophan May, who lives along Prek Takeo, the first section of the canal, in Kien Svay district, Kandal province told … that she heard about the project from the news but no authorities have come to inform them.

She wanted more details on the project, such as how it will affect her land and house…

Another resident, Heang Nang Eng, living along Prek Ta Hing stream, the second section of canal, echoed similar views, noting that the authorities have not shared any information as yet…

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