Cameroon Network of Human Rights Organizations Report (Jan 2014)
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In January 2014, the Cameroon Network of Human Rights Organizations published a report, which raises concerns about respect for human rights by companies involved in major projects in Cameroon, "Respect of human rights on sites of major projects in Cameroon: Case study of Lom Pangar, Mballam, Nkamuna and Mobilong". The human rights concerns include discrimination, housing, freedom of association, education and environment.
Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited the following companies to respond:
- C&K Mining did not respond
- China International Water & Electric (CWE) response [PDF] (in English) and [PDF] in Chinese
- Coyne & Bellier (part of GDF Suez) response [PDF] (only in French)
- Electricity Development Corporation (EDC) did not respond