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هذه الصفحة غير متوفرة باللغة العربية وهي معروضة باللغة English


19 إبريل 2016

Centro de Reflexión y Acción Laboral (Cereal)

CEREAL rejoinder to Lexmark´s reponse

إظهار جميع الإشارات

The press article “Le atinan al precio” portrays Lexmark’s workers and their lawyer as using the formation of an independent union as an strategy to get severance payment, when it was this effort to form a union which got them dismissed in the first place, according to the testimonies of workers interviewed by CEREAL on several occasions. The fact that Lexmark refers the reader to this press article is pitiful and shows the lack of respect for workers’ right to freedom of association and collective bargaining.

CEREAL will continue to demand better working conditions for Lexmark workers and for all the workers in the electronic industry; this includes the right to form an independent union, to engage in union activities and collective bargaining with employers. 

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