China’s Overseas Development Finance: Geospatial Data for Analysis of Biodiversity and Indigenous Lands

"China’s Overseas Development Finance: Geospatial Data for Analysis of Biodiversity and Indigenous Lands"
This dataset is the first global, harmonized, validated, and geolocated record of Chinese development finance. It covers the years 2008 through 2019, to include equal time before and after the launch of the Belt and Road Initiative in 2013. It includes all loans from the China Development Bank and Export-Import Bank of China to governments, inter-governmental bodies, and state-owned entities.
This interactive database includes 858 loans, detailing each project's lender, year, amount, sector, and length in kilometers, where applicable. Among those 858 projects, 615 have specific geographic footprints, and these 615 projects are shown in the visual map. The remaining 243 projects are included in the full list of projects, below the map.