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Disney response to IPE report on environmental impacts of product manufacturing
…The Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs (IPE) inquired if seven facilities were suppliers to Disney…
- Of the seven facilities that IPE mentioned in their report, four are not authorized to produce Disney‐branded products for Disney or its licensees and vendors.
- Three facilities have never been authorized by Disney:
- 爱德士鞋业(山东)有限公司(Atechs Footwear Shangdong)
- 南通爱德士鞋业有限公司(Nantong Atechs Footwear Co., Ltd), and
- 万兴(佛冈)玩具有限公司 (Million Best Toys Co., Ltd.)
- One facility has not been authorized by Disney since 2009
- 爱德士鞋业(江苏)有限公司(Atechs Jiangsu)
- …[I]t is not unusual for facilities to claim some relationship with Disney even if such a relationship never existed. In such cases Disney may take additional steps to help ensure that these facilities refrain from making such claims.
- Three facilities are currently authorized to produce Disney--‐branded product for multiple licensees or vendors.
- The facilities are:
- 晋江市汉鑫服装织造有限公司 (Jin Jiang Han Xin Garments & Weaving Co., Ltd.)
- 晋江市七彩狐服装织造有限公司(Qicaihu Garments Weaving Co., Ltd.)
- 华纺股份有限公司 (Huafang Co., Ltd.),
- For these three facilities, Disney is in the process of reaching out to the licensees and vendors involved to discuss ways in which these environmental issues can be addressed.
…Disney…encourage BHRRC and any other party to contact us directly before releasing public reports so that we may work together to resolve any issues in a timely and constructive manner.