Part of the following timelines
Dutch court finds Shell partially responsible for pollution in Niger Delta saying it should have prevented sabotage at 1 of its facilities
Shell ordered to pay Niger Delta farmer
اللغات المتاحة: English -
[PDF] Judgment - Friday Alfred Akpan v. Shell
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Dutch court says Shell partly responsible for Nigeria spills
اللغات المتاحة: English -
La filiale de Shell au Nigeria jugée responsable de pollution
اللغات المتاحة: français -
Pays-Bas. L'affaire Shell montre qu'il est possible d'obtenir justice
اللغات المتاحة: français -
Shell case shows justice is possible - Amnesty International
اللغات المتاحة: English -
[DOC] Dutch Court Ruling Against Shell a Partial Victory
اللغات المتاحة: English
عرض القصة بالكامل
Shell lawsuit (re oil pollution in Nigeria)
Nigeria: Shell settles lawsuit in the Netherlands for €15 million over oil spillages in Niger Delta
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Commentary: The Hague Court of Appeals rules on Shell in Nigeria
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Nigeria: In landmark verdict, Dutch court rules Shell Nigeria responsible for Niger Delta oil spills & Royal Dutch Shell violated its duty of care
Nigeria: In win against Shell, Dutch court finds Shell Nigeria liable for oil spills & Shell parent company has a duty of care to prevent future spills
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Des agriculteurs nigérians et les Amis de la Terre Pays-Bas remportent un procès pour pollution pétrolière contre Shell dans un jugement historique
اللغات المتاحة: français -
Nigeria: Shell Nigeria must compensate farmers for oil leak pollution & Royal Dutch Shell to install leak detection system, orders Dutch Appeal Court
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Pollution pétrolière au Nigeria : Shell condamnée à verser des indemnités à des fermiers
اللغات المتاحة: français -
Nigeria: In historic Dutch court ruling, Nigerian farmers and Friends of the Earth win oil pollution case against Shell
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Nigerian farmers take their Shell oil pollution case to Dutch court
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Outcome appeal against Shell: victory for the environment and the Nigerian people
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Victoire juridique majeure aux Pays-Bas pour les victimes nigérianes de Shell
اللغات المتاحة: français -
Godwin Ojo: "Why is Shell continuing their environmental racism?"
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Nigeria: la justice néerlandaise examinera les plaintes contre Shell
اللغات المتاحة: français -
Shell Lied to Dutch Court About Oil Spills in Nigeria, Say Friends of the Earth
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Shell made false claims about Niger delta oil pollution, says Amnesty
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Shell seeks settlement for Nigeria oil spill
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Friends of the Earth Netherlands appeal Shell case
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Crude Justice & Ecocide in the Niger Delta
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Shell's Victory and Embarrassment in the Dutch Court
اللغات المتاحة: English -
The Shell Nigeria cases - an important precedent for transnational liability claims
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Dutch court says Shell partly responsible for Nigeria spills
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Nigerian villagers sue Shell in landmark pollution case
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Pollution: Dutch Court to Hear Nigerians Suit against Shell
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Environment: Pollution a threat to health in Ogoniland
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Memorandum: Amnesty International’s concerns regarding Shell’s activities in the Niger Delta and the ongoing failure to respect human rights and the environment
اللغات المتاحة: English -
NGOs, Shell lock horns over Nigerian oil spills
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Outrage at UN decision to exonerate Shell for oil pollution in Niger delta
اللغات المتاحة: English -
[PDF] Shell in the Niger Delta: A Framework for Change [Nigeria]
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Nigeria Shell oil spills to be tried at Dutch court
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Four Nigerian Farmers Take Oil Giant Shell to Court
اللغات المتاحة: English
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