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29 مايو 2018

Fédération Internationale de Football Association - FIFA (Switzerland)

FIFA launches initiatives to support human rights defenders & press freedom

"FIFA launches complaints mechanism for human rights defenders and journalists", 29 May 2018

Today, FIFA launched a complaints mechanism for human rights defenders and media representatives who consider their rights to have been violated while performing work related to FIFA’s activities (see here). The mechanism is complemented by a detailed statement, specifying the commitment outlined in paragraph 11 of FIFA’s Human Rights Policy to respect and help protect the rights of human rights defenders and media representatives. Both...are the result of a nearly one-year process and comprise input from a range of stakeholders and expert organisations, including from FIFA’s Human Rights Advisory Board. FIFA Secretary General...said: “...FIFA is committed to doing its part to support human rights defenders and freedom of the press associated with FIFA’s activities... [A]ll those who advocate for human rights to be upheld in relation to FIFA’s activities need to be able to do so freely and without fear of reprisals.” ...FIFA will respond to any complaints submitted through the mechanism in accordance with the commitments outlined in its Human Rights Policy and specified in the new statement on human rights defenders and media representatives. These new developments complement a variety of steps, which FIFA is already taking in support of human rights defenders and journalists...