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21 أكتوبر 2014

iol news (So. Africa)

Gym group, Virgin Active, fires trainer over alleged assault of domestic worker

'Virgin Active ends contract with Osrin', 21 Oct 2014: Virgin Active has terminated its contract with Tim Osrin, who was arrested last week after he allegedly beat up a middle-aged domestic worker...[Osrin] excused his behaviour by saying he had believed she was a prostitute. “We've terminated the contract of #TimOsrin, as...[w]e do not tolerate such behaviour,” Virgin Active tweeted... Cynthia Joni [the alleged victim said]...that she was on her way to work...when an unknown man leapt from his car and slapped her repeatedly, then threw her to the ground, without any explanation. “He got out of the car...kicked me hard and I fell down...Each time I [fell]...he would pick me up...and throw me hard down again. My shirt was ripped and...I still have an (open) wound on my elbow.” After hitting her, he left. He was traced after people...responded to her screams, and took down his registration number...