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12 يونيو 2017

Honduras: New report documents negative social & environmental impacts of hydroelectric project Cuyamel II

A new report by the Pico Bonito National Park Foundation (FUPNAPIB), the Honduran Center for the Promotion of Community Development (CEHPRODEC) & the Worldwide Movement for Human Rights (FIDH) describes the lack of transparency and access to information, and participation in the construction of the hydroelectric project Cuyamel II. The report also describes possible impacts to access to water and the environment of the project. 

The Business and Human Rights Resource Centre invited CONERSA to respond; a summary of the response in English is available below; the full response is only available in Spanish here

ردود الشركة

Compañía de Energía de San Francisco (CONERSA) [part of Grupo de Energías Renovables (Green)] عرض الرد

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