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7 ديسمبر 2020

Indonesia & Malaysia: AP investigation reveals women face dangerous working conditions, widespread abuse & rape in palm oil supply chains of global cosmetics brands

The Associated Press (AP) made an investigation on the brutal treatment of women in the production of palm oil, including physical and sexual abuse as well as exposure to harmful chemicals in Indonesian and Malaysian plantations. The report alleges that palm oil from such plantations flows into the supply chains of Avon, Cargill, Clorox, Colgate-Palmolive, Coty, Estée Lauder, Johnson & Johnson, Kylie Cosmetics, L’Oréal, Procter & Gamble, and Unilever.

Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited the companies to respond to the allegations in the report. Avon, Cargill, Clorox, Coty, Estée Lauder, L’Oréal, and Unilever responded. Their responses are linked below.

Palm oil plantations that are mentioned in the report—FGV Holdings Berhad, London Sumatra, and Sime Darby—were also invited to respond. FGV Holdings responded. The response is linked below.

ردود الشركة

Cargill عرض الرد
L'Oreal عرض الرد
Estée Lauder عرض الرد
Unilever عرض الرد

لا جواب

Johnson & Johnson عرض الرد
Kylie Cosmetics

لا جواب

Procter & Gamble عرض الرد
London Sumatra

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Sime Darby

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الجدول الزمني