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26 أغسطس 2014


IndustriALL letter to CEO of Deva Holding

إظهار جميع الإشارات

IndustriALL Global Union is very much outraged by the labour situation at the plant of Deva Holding...because as of today 8 members of Petrol-Is have been dismissed by your management as they simply exercised their legitimate fundamental rights of freedom of association...I need not admit that this is not surprising to us since our records remind us that in 2010 your management used different tactics to demolish 40-ou-long union existence...The inclusion of the United Nations Guiding Principles  on Business and Human Rights recognizes that companies have a duty of due diligence to ensure that rights are respected that protect the dignity, respect and liberty of the employees, including ILO Convention 87, Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise.... I urge you to immediately re-instate the 8 dismissed union members; withdraw all pressure exerted over the union members; and enter into constructive dialogue with Petrol-Is to establish fair labour relations and working conditions at your company.

الجدول الزمني