Part of the following timelines
BusinessWeek in-depth articles on Coca-Cola's labour rights record in Colombia
"Killer Coke" Or Innocent Abroad? [Colombia]
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Inside Coke's Labor Struggles [Colombia]
اللغات المتاحة: English -
How NYU [New York University] Chose Colombia over Coke
اللغات المتاحة: English
عرض القصة بالكامل
Coca-Cola lawsuit (re Colombia)
Can post-conflict Colombia be a business and human rights leader?
اللغات المتاحة: English -
[PDF] Investor Statement for Human Rights and in Support of the U.S. Alien Tort Statute
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Another Supreme Court boost for corporate unaccountability?
اللغات المتاحة: English -
[PDF] Resumen ejecutivo. Informe sobre violencia contra sindicalistas y trabajadores sindicalizados 1984 – 2011 [Colombia]
اللغات المتاحة: español -
Canadian Multinationals and Alien Torts
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Colombia's ex-leader Alvaro Uribe subpoenaed in U.S. federal court
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Shortening the Long Arm of the Law [USA]
اللغات المتاحة: English -
On the Frontier of Alien Tort Claims
اللغات المتاحة: English -
[PDF] Acceso a la Justicia: Casos de Abusos de Derechos Humanos por Parte de Empresas [Colombia]
اللغات المتاحة: español -
[PDF] Think globally, sue locally: Out-of-court tactics employed by plaintiffs, their lawyers, and their advocates in transnational tort cases
اللغات المتاحة: English -
[PDF] Launch of online portal on “Business, Conflict & Peace”
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Un film au goût amer, selon l'entreprise
اللغات المتاحة: français -
Coke discourages screenings of labour documentary
اللغات المتاحة: English -
[PDF] Accountability for Private Military Contractors Under the Alien Tort Statute
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Corte desestima acusación a Coca-Cola por tortura de empleados
اللغات المتاحة: español -
Coca-Cola cleared in Colombian case
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Colombian paramilitary tells how he financed his own Murder Inc.: bananas
اللغات المتاحة: English -
[PDF] Deadly ventures? Multinational corporations and paramilitaries in Colombia
اللغات المتاحة: English -
[PDF] Human Rights Translated: A Business Reference Guide
اللغات المتاحة: English -
[PDF] Business & Human Rights Resource Centre launches world’s first online portal profiling human rights lawsuits against companies
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Coca-Cola response to Guardian article
اللغات المتاحة: English -
To die for [Colombia]
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Colombia: One of world’s most dangerous places for trade unionists
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Colombia: Uno de los lugares más peligrosos del mundo para los sindicalistas
اللغات المتاحة: español -
Hearing to focus on alleged ties of U.S. firm to [Colombian] militias
اللغات المتاحة: English -
[PDF] Colombia - Payoffs to terrorists scrutinized
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Federal judge dismisses Turkish labor dispute lawsuit
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Sinaltrainal presentó apelación en caso contra Coca Cola en corte de Estados Unidos
اللغات المتاحة: español -
Colombian union to appeal court's dismissal of lawsuit against Coca-Cola
اللغات المتاحة: English -
11th Circuit Asked to Clarify Corporate Liability [USA]
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Sindicato colombiano insistirá en demanda contra Coca-Cola
اللغات المتاحة: español -
Hit squad lawsuit against Coke bottlers dismissed
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Juez desestima denuncia de sindicato colombiano contra Coca Cola
اللغات المتاحة: español -
Why all companies should address human rights (and how the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre can help)
اللغات المتاحة: English -
[PDF] Win or Lose in Court
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Colombia: datos importantes
اللغات المتاحة: español -
Trabajo-Colombia: Juicio a Coca-Cola, Nestlé y Chiquita Brands
اللغات المتاحة: español -
[PDF] Coca-Cola: The Alternative Report
اللغات المتاحة: English -
The Coca-Cola Company Statement regarding Colombia Accusations
اللغات المتاحة: English -
"Killer Coke" Or Innocent Abroad? [Colombia]
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Inside Coke's Labor Struggles [Colombia]
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Coke struggles to defend positive reputation
اللغات المتاحة: English -
University of Michigan bans Coca-Cola sales [USA]
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Colombia’s agony, Coca-Cola’s responsibility, Americans’ solidarity
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Liability Forges a New Morality
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Pirates of the Corporation - Holding American companies responsible for high crimes committed overseas
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Coke's Colombian controversy
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Las multinacionales y los derechos humanos
اللغات المتاحة: español -
The Ten Worst Corporations of 2004
اللغات المتاحة: English -
[PDF] The Changing Landscape of Liability - A Director’s Guide to Trends in Corporate Environmental, Social and Economic Liability
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Police Attack Coca-Cola Protest, Over 350 Arrested [India]
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Human rights: Can multinationals be held accountable?
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Unocal decision impacts Shell, Coca-Cola, Exxon [part of ExxonMobil] and Gap
اللغات المتاحة: English -
[PDF] full report: "In Our Court: ATCA, Sosa and the Triumph of Human Rights"
اللغات المتاحة: English -
[DOC] mission summary: "Colombia"
اللغات المتاحة: English -
[DOC] Colombia: Informe de la comisión internacional para los derechos del trabajo
اللغات المتاحة: español -
Analysis: Is trying to kill the Alien Tort Claims Act digging for fool’s gold?
اللغات المتاحة: English -
US group adds Coke to Colombia death squad lawsuit
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Students at Rutgers: Don't renew Coca-Cola contract
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Recent ATCA Cases Against Corporate Defendants
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Courting Responsibility
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Human rights for all people for all times
اللغات المتاحة: English -
IUF Coca-Cola Affiliates Reject Call for an "international consumer boycott" of Coca-Cola beginning July 22, 2003
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Laws of Empire
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Australian Unions to Remove Coke Machines as Retribution
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Rights Groups Overseas Fight U.S. Concerns in U.S. Courts
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Human rights, salary at issue for Coca-Cola
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Partial victory for Coca-Cola workers
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Investigan en E.U. a embotelladora de Coca Cola en Colombia por presunto apoyo a paramilitares
اللغات المتاحة: español -
Coke bottler faces death suit
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Court Rules that Human Rights Case Can Go Forward Against Coca-Cola Bottlers [for allegedly hiring paramilitaries to kill & intimidate union leaders in Colombia]
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Alien Tort Claims Act: Colombia
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Activists targeting UI deal with Coke [USA]
اللغات المتاحة: English -
[PDF] Judging Corporate Accountability in theGlobal Economy
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Colombia's War on Unions: The Coca-Cola Killings
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Corporate Human Rights [human rights lawsuits agains multinationals in U.S. courts]
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Coke, Colombia bottler fight lawsuit [USA]
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Union Activist: Co.'s Hire Attackers [Colombia]
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Recent ILRF [International Labor Rights Fund] Cases to Enforce Human Rights Under the ATCA
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Litigation Update: A Summary of Recent Developments in U.S. Cases Brought Under the Alien Tort Claims Act and Torture Protection Act
اللغات المتاحة: English -
It's the real thing - murders at Coke
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Coke Abuse in Colombia
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Coca-Cola sued over bottling plant 'terror campaign'
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Coke sued over death squad claims
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Demandan a Coca Cola por contratar a "paras"
اللغات المتاحة: español -
Colombian union suing Coca-Cola in death squad case
اللغات المتاحة: English -
Coca-Cola rechaza acusaciones sobre nexos con paramilitares
اللغات المتاحة: español
عرض الدعوى بالكامل