IPE response re “Disney response to BHRRC re IPE report on environmental impacts of product manufacturing”
"IPE response re “Disney response to BHRRC re IPE report on environmental impacts of product manufacturing”, 24 Sep 2016
We appreciate and recognize Disney’s public response and are encouraged to learn that “Disney is in the process of reaching out to the licensees and vendors involved to discuss ways in which these environmental issues can be addressed.” We hope to see public disclosure of how the suppliers have resolved or plan to resolve their non-compliance issues.
Given Disney’s public commitments to “actively screen, evaluate and study the direct and indirect impacts that its daily operations pose on the environment,” we believe that it is essential for Disney to tap into the expansion of environmental transparency in China by screening their high-impact suppliers against publicly available monitoring data and requiring non-compliant suppliers to openly address their violation records. We have discussed about this with Disney in a series of meetings dating back to 2012 and we look forward to solid actions taken this time.