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رد الشركة

17 سبتمبر 2021

Kakuzi PLC

Kakuzi's response to SLAPPs research


We wish to clarify that the objective of filing the High Court Petition was to compel the respondents to produce the evidence they publicly stated they had on Human Rights violations to the Court. This petition came as a last resort after the respondents had ignored our written requests to avail this same information to the authorities or ourselves...

Our petition was not a SLAPP and in no way did it impede justice. We made the decision to withdraw the petition in good faith as our intention was the direct opposite of what SLAPP’s are intended to achieve. The company filed a withdrawal of the case at the High Court in favour of an independent mediation process. The mediation proposal was to have an independent panel that would guide the parties in having evidence of these allegations provided to the investigative authorities. Regrettably, the respondents have declined the mediation proposal...

[W]e have been working in conjunction with internationally recognised Human Rights experts to develop an Operational level Grievance Mechanism (OGM)... We have also established an Independent Human Rights Advisory Committee to the Board of Kakuzi...

هذا رد على

Ndula Resource Centre (NRC)

الدعوى القضائية (SLAPP) 1 مارس 2021

Part of the following timelines

Ndula Resource Centre (NRC)

Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC)