Land Grabbing in Mubende-Neumann (article) [Uganda]
Professor Zamora Cabot continues his line of research on the subject of multinational enterprises liability with this article…where he raids into a field of the out-most concern, such as that of land grabbing, over the very significant case Mubende-Neumann…Section III states the facts and legal consequences of the case Mubende-Neumann, a procedure of massive eviction that took place in Uganda in 2001, where the Government, after signing an agreement with a firm of German origin, expelled in a particularly brutal and violent way more than two thousand people from the lands they occupied, and delivered them to a branch of the above-cited corporation. These facts prompted a legal proceeding in Uganda, on the one hand, and another one based on the OECD Guidelines for multinational companies, on the other…[Also refers to Vedanta Resources]