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23 إبريل 2018

Edwin G. Genoway, Jr., Front Page Africa (Liberia)

Man reportedly buried alive at Sime Darby resurfaces in police custody & recounts his ordeal

إظهار جميع الإشارات

"Liberia: Man Reportedly Buried Alive At Sime Darby Resurfaces", 19 April 2018

The man, who is reportedly seen in the controversial video being tortured and later became missing at the Sime Darby Oil Palm Plantation in Grand Cape Mount County, has surfaced. He's been facing queries from the Liberia National Police (LNP)...Police spokesman Moses Carter told FrontPage Africa that the video is factual, and a statement has been taken from David and others involved in the saga...Carter also disclosed the name of another 33-year-old Liberian in police custody identified as Mark Gibson, who was also allegedly tortured by Sime Darby Security. Carter noted that the police also have in its custody the current head of security of Sime Darby, Boima Feakai, who was also captured in the video...The man reportedly captured in the video said he had to illegally harvest Sime Darby's palm for survival since the company had refused to pay him. He told FrontPage Africa that he has been working with the palm company for more than eight months as a contractor without pay. "Yes, I cut the palm and they caught me with it. I did that because I was hungry and needed to buy food. I have worked for the company for more than six months as contractor without paying me," he said...

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