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4 يناير 2020

Htoo Thant, Myanmar Times

Myanmar: Govt. will return lands confiscated during military rule; legislator alleged that 200 acres were instead sold to businesses

"Government vows to speed up return of confiscated farmland", 3 January 2019 

The Myanmar government has almost finished a review of farmland confiscated during military rule and will hasten its return this year, an official of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation said.


"The committee has apparently been reminded by senior officials not to delay the process, which it expects to complete in 2020," the official said.


Some Pyithu Hluttaw MPs said that some of the confiscated land had been given up by the Tatmadaw (military), but has not yet been returned to the original owners.

U Kyaw Than Tun, Amyotha Hluttaw (Upper House) MP for Constituency 3 in Mandalay Region, alleged that more than 200 acres in Madaya township in Mandalay that should have been returned to the original owners were instead sold to four business owners....