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هذه الصفحة غير متوفرة باللغة العربية وهي معروضة باللغة English


13 إبريل 2024

Hsu Latt Phuy, Myanmar Labour News

Myanmar: Workplace violations reported at Hengrun Garment

إظهار جميع الإشارات الادعاءات

"Workplace violations at Heng Run Garment factory", 13 April 2024

Workers from [Heng Run Garment]...said that the factory is violating their labor rights. The mentioned factory is...manufacturing prenatal brands with around 1,200 workers...

Among the 1200 workers in the factory, more than 400 of them daily workers. Some workers have worked for more than 8 months to 1 year; however, the factory has not designated them as permanent workers. Although the daily workers receive the same daily wages as other workers, they are not entitled to any leaves and social security benefits.

...they don’t have medical leaves and benefits. They got paid only for the days they worked...they don’t get paid for Thingyan holidays,” said a worker who don’t want to be named...

...The factory requests [targeta] beyond the workers’ [capabilities]...The supervisors verbally abuse [workers] towards them for not [meeting the target]...

“...technicians fire the workers they do not like...the workers do not even have time to go to the toilet. As the employer pay[s] bonus[es] to the supervisors to oppress the workers...we have to tolerate [this] due to our livelihoods,” the worker continued.

The supervisors charge between 2000 and 3000 kyats per month from the workers to buy medicine and other janitorial equipments...

...daily wages are cut by 5800 kyats and an attendance fee of 20000 kyats for a single day off as they are not entitled to legal medical and casual leaves...

[Translation via Myanmar Labour News]

الجدول الزمني