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29 مارس 2016

Kat Greene, Law360

Nestle, Hershey Dodge Child Slave-Labor Disclosure Suits

إظهار جميع الإشارات

Nestle USA Inc. and The Hershey Co. wrapped up a pair of proposed class actions alleging the companies failed to disclose they make their candies using cocoa beans harvested by child slaves, when a California federal judge found Tuesday the law doesn't require any such label...The confectioners defeated the nearly identical suits when U.S. Magistrate Judge Joseph C. Spero issued two nearly identical dismissal orders concluding that, while child slave labor on Africa's Ivory Coast presents an ethical problem for the companies, Hershey and Nestle aren't required to disclose the practices on their candy labels...A spokeswoman for Nestle said the company is pleased with the court's decision to dismiss the case. "Consumer class actions are not the way to solve such a serious and complex issue as forced child labor," the spokeswoman said. "The use of forced child labor goes against everything Nestle stands for and Nestle is committed to eradicating it from our supply chain."

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