News programme documents numerous cases of children suffering from various medical conditions after receiving faulty vaccines
[Hong Kong news programme documents numerous cases of children suffering from various medical conditions, including limb and eye defects, suspected to be due to faulty vaccines produced by Changsheng Biotechnology. An earlier article on Caixin quoted source as saying the faulty vaccines did not go through mandatory animal tests. The report was later deleted.]
【問題疫苗】長春長生生物科技公司違法違規生產凍乾人用瘋狗症疫苗,公安帶走公司董事長高俊芳及四名公司管理人員調查。內地《財新網》引述知情人士指,涉案疫苗未進行動物實驗檢測。 【屢次出事】有線中國組的記者前往多個省市,訪問多個懷疑注射長春長生公司疫苗後,身體出現問題的受害者。記者發現早於兩年前,已經有在山東和廣東的小朋友,注射該公司的疫苗出事。 【疫苗之王】長生生物疫苗問題,在過去一個周末迅速發酵,演變成轟動全國的疫苗事件,其中一個觸發點,是一篇題為《疫苗之王》的文章,披露該公司不少黑幕。