Palestinian workers in West Bank Israeli settlements after the High Court of Justice Ruling
In October 2007, in a precedent-setting ruling, a nine judges panel of the High Court of Justice ruled unanimously that Israeli labour laws applied equally to Israeli employers and their Palestinian West Bank workers, ‘unless the parties decide differently’. Prior to the ruling, Jordanian law, less amenable than protective Israeli law to the workers, applied...employers are trying to deny the implications of the ruling...Since the ruling...the number of claims by Palestinian workers employed in Jewish West Bank settlements has risen...[L]awsuits against Jerusalem Bar Stone, Ltd [argued] [w]ithholding pay...workers had never received holiday pay...sick leave or annual leave...[W]ork permits were withheld from Yad Lechayey Adam Carpenters workers...in order to intimidate them and to prevent them from demanding their legal rights...At the Barkan Industrial Park...Israeli employers have found ways of evading the High Court...ruling...[refers to Avgi Morris Carpenters, The Royal Night textile plant]...Workers at various plants respond differently to the information they acquire regarding violations of their rights at the workplace [refers to plants at the Nitzanei Shalom Industrial Park, including Yamit, Tal El, Sol Or] [The Business & Human Rights Resource Centre also invited Yad Lechayey Adam Carpenters, Avgi Morris Carpenters to respond. Avgi Morris Carpenters declined to respond]