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13 يناير 2012

Apple, Inc.

[PDF] Apple Supplier Responsibility, 2012 Progress Report

إظهار جميع الإشارات

Apple is committed to driving the highest standards for social responsibility throughout our supply base. We require that our suppliers provide safe working conditions, treat workers with dignity and respect, and use environmentally responsible manufacturing processes wherever Apple products are made. Our suppliers must live up to Apple’s Supplier Code of Conduct as a condition of doing business with us...We are always looking for ways to make our program even stronger and more transparent. Apple recently became the first technology company accepted by the Fair Labor Association (FLA)..In addition to this report, we are publishing a list of Apple’s leading suppliers on our Supplier Responsibility website...

Part of the following timelines

Apple discloses supplier list for the first time; also releases "most detailed ever" supplier responsibility report citing ongoing labor problems at factories

Apple Releases List Of Its Suppliers, Discloses Labor Violations

Latest concerns re Apple supply chain - Jan-Feb 2012