...[The] Institute for Human Rights and Business...and CDA deemed it critical that the “Green Flags” guidance is...informed by the perspectives of those whose rights are impacted by business operations...CDA has undertaken an initial exploration of perspectives of those whose rights may be impacted by business operations, on the issue of business respecting human rights. CDA managed research, working with local partners across four countries to perform a series of interviews with community representatives outlining the perspectives of their communities on the issues surrounding human rights, conflict and business. This report collects and analyzes the perspectives of those community members regarding their personal rights and the impacts of locally-operating business on their lives. The findings in this report reflect the voice of those most affected, and analyzes their responses to draw broader conclusions regarding the implications of community expectations on corporate responsibility to respect human rights. [refers to CNPC, Petronas, Sudapet, Ecopetrol, Metapetroleum, Coca-Cola]