This is the first known study that takes a detailed look at the use of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Framework...We were not prepared for the overwhelming number of discrepancies in company reporting and the GRI Application Level they use...The scope of the present research comprises...the sustainability reporting of 19 European electric utility companies on 10 GRI and EUSS labour-related indicators. The companies [are]: ČEZ Group (ČEZ); DELTA; DONG Energy; Électricité de France (EDF); Ente Nazionale per l’Energia eLettrica (Enel); Electricidade de Portugal (EDP)/Hidrocantábrico; E.ON; Energie-Versorgung Niederösterreich (EVN); FORTUM; Gas Natural Fenosa; Gaz de France/Suez (GDF Suez); Iberdrola; Rheinisch-Westfälisches Elektrizitätswerk (RWE); National Grid; Statkraft; TenneT; Vattenfall; Veolia Environnement; Verbund...For each of the selected companies, the present report aims to answer...questions [including] Does the company use the GRI Guidelines?...Has the 2011 report been externally verified and has the application level been checked?...What general gaps in reporting can be found and what are the reasons for such gaps?...[The research found] large number of discrepancies between the degree to which a company claims that it reports on the various indicators in the GRI Content Index, and the actual degree of reporting...[A]ll of the companies for which discrepancies were found received a draft of the findings...Seven companies...provided input...Their comments were incorporated into the present report...SOMO did ask GRI staff about the high number of discrepancies in reports for which it had checked the application level...GRI['s response is included] [also refers to Deloitte].