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18 ديسمبر 2019

The International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers' Associations (IUF)

Philippines: Union accuses Coca-Cola plant management of attacks against workers in collusion with paramilitary

إظهار جميع الإشارات

"Coca-Cola's attack on unions in the Philippines invites violence against workers", 18 December 2019

... On October 5... management of the Coca-Cola plant in Bacolod City held a meeting for all employees... [during] which plant security personnel, accompanied by two... police officers, introduced... Ka Tom Mateo... [a self-described] former armed insurgent now reporting directly to the president with the support of the intelligence service. He denounced the recognized union... a member of the IUF-affiliated FCCU-SENTRO... and urged members to resign their membership...

On October 17, two... [self-described] military officers visited the home of an elected [union] officer... [They] referred to the town hall meeting and Ka Tom Mateo, denounced the union... [and] threatened that the government had ways of silencing troublemakers.

... Responsibility for intimidation and threats by management, in collusion with the military and police, lies squarely with The Coca-Cola Company...

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