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10 إبريل 2016

Campaign for Survival and Dignity in www.countercurrents.org

Prafulla Samantara Attacked By Vedanta Goons

Campaign for Survival and Dignity (CSD) Odisha...condemned the attack on Activist Prafulla Samantara, President, Lok Shakti Abhiyan by Vedanta goons...It is to be noted that on 6th April 2016 PrafullaSamantra was assaulted by about 10 goons of Vedanta Company while he was returning from a meeting from Village Masiput inKoraput district. ..In a Press Release also Mr.Samantarahas shared that “I have been to give solidarity to the people of five villages who have been opposing mining over DangadeulaHill. They depend on this hill for grazing of their domestic animal,fuel wood, streams for water etc”. He alleged that the hired goons of Vedanta company also tried to kidnap...wherever I go, the Vedanta Company is following me and have engages miscreants and musclemen to attack me physically. This is nothing but criminalization of corporate regime. This is fourth time that Vedanta goons attempted physical attack on me.” 

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