Press statement by COPINH (National Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras
It is with the most profound and sincere pain that we share information of the vile assassination of…Berta Cáceres, founder of COPINH…Today we mourn her death, as well as the deaths of the other comrades who have died in defense of the Gualcarque River and the territory of the Lenca people…We know very well who murdered her. We know it was DESA and the Hydroelectric project Agua Zarca, financed by the Dutch Development Bank (FMO), the Finnish Fund for Industrial Cooperation Ltd. FINNFUND, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (BCIE), the German corporations Siemens and VoithHydro, the company CASTOR (Castillo Torres) Constructora Cerros de Comayagua, the Honduran bank FICOHSA…