Russia: Worker injured at Sayanogorsk Aluminium Smelter due to safety violations
Date Reported: 1 أكتوبر 2023
الموقع: روسيا
RUSAL - Subsidiary , En+ Group plc - Parent Companyالمشاريع
Sayanogorsk aluminium smelter - Operationالفئة المتأثرة
Total individuals affected: 1
عمال: ( 1 - روسيا , المناجم , Men )القضايا
الإصابات , Occupational Health & Safetyالرد
Response sought: لا
نوع المصدر: Government publication
[Summary translation prepared by Business & Human Rights Resource Center]
Commission established cause of accident at JSC RUSAL Sayanogorsk, 25 January 2024
An employee of RUSAL ITC LLC was injured in October of last year on the territory of JSC RUSAL Sayanogorsk.
Based on the results of the accident investigation, the commission established that the main cause of the accident was the failure of RUSAL Sayanogorsk JSC to provide instructions on labor protection upon admission of the employee to the production unit of the organization, including failure to familiarize him with the movement of pedestrians and vehicles on this site plot.
Based on the results of the investigation, this accident was qualified as workplace-related, and the injured worker’s right to state-guaranteed social support in connection with his work-related injury was realized.