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المحتوى متاح أيضًا باللغات التالية: English, 한국어


14 مارس 2024

Yongjik Kim, Work & World (South Korea)

S. Korea: Construction co. apologises for migrant workers' deaths

إظهار جميع الإشارات الادعاءات

[Unofficial Korean-to-English translation provided by Business & Human Rights Resource Centre]

"Contractor apologizes, agrees to prevent recurrence, and compensates migrant workers for fatal accident at Osong Paragon construction site," 14 March 2024

In July 2023, two young Vietnamese migrant workers fell from a height of 25 stories without any safety measures and were killed when a gangform (exterior wall formwork) collapsed in the construction site of the Osong Paragon apartment complex in Cheongju, Korea, contracted by Dongyang E&C Group. ... In response, Ms. Le Thi Hoa, the wife of one of the victims, Mr. Quang (36 years old at the time), entrusted the Chungbuk Regional Headquarters of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (hereinafter referred to as the Headquarters) to handle the incident.

... The Headquarters held a press conference in front of Dongyang E&C Group with Ms. Le, ... where she demanded "an apology, measures to prevent recurrence, and proper respect for the deceased and bereaved families" from Dongyang E&C Group. On January 23 began negotiations with Dongyang E&C Group, and four rounds of negotiations have been held. On March 14, the two sides reached a tentative agreement and signed a final agreement after the fifth and final round of negotiations.

The representatives of the original contractor, Dongyang E&C Group, and the subcontractor, A-One Industrial Development, signed and sealed the agreement, laid incense in front of Mr. Quang's picture, and apologized to the bereaved family.
